Roast Lamb with Sweet Chilli Glaze (Easy)
A simple, but tasty lamb roast using an half leg of lamb with a home-made sweet chilli glaze.

prep time
10 mins

cook time
2 hours 20 minutes

6 people
To Cook Medium: 25 minutes per 450g plus 25 minutes
To Cook Well Done: 30 minutes per 450g plus 30 minutes
- 1 x 1.3kg lean carvery or boneless lamb leg joint
- 2 red onions, peeled and quartered
- 2 yellow peppers, deseeded and cut into quartered
- 450g small new potatoes
For the Sweet Chilli Glaze:
- 6 tablespoons prepared sweet chilli sauce
- 2 teaspoons lime juice
- 1 tablespoons garlic purée, or to taste
- Preheat the oven to 180-190°C, 160-170°C Fan, Gas Mark 4-5.
- Place the joint on a chopping board and season.
- Transfer the joint to a metal rack in a large non-stick roasting tin and open roast for the prepared, calculated cooking time, basting occasionally with any meat juices.
- 40-50 minutes before the end of the cooking time remove the joint from. Remove the rack, add the vegetables in a single layer then place the joint on top. Return to the oven.
- 10 minutes before the end of the cooking time mix the glaze ingredients together and brush all over the joint. Return to the oven to finish cooking.
- Transfer the lamb with the vegetables to a warm platter. Cover and rest for 10 minutes before serving.